Shipping Calculator
Last Updated: March 3, 2022
Find the shipping carrier that is being used for your shipment below and click the corresponding button to track your order at any time.
Please use zip code "28027" as the origin information , and your zip code as destination, for transit time information.
Freight Policy
Appatek Industries, Inc. offers customers FREE FREIGHT on qualifying orders of 5 cases and $1,000.00 minimum shipped east of the Mississippi, and 10 cases and $1,500.00 minimum shipped west of the Mississippi. Orders will be shipped best way: common carrier, or UPS. All FREE FREIGHT orders are subject to a $19.95 fuel surcharge per order. Non-qualifying orders will be shipped as per customer instructions, at customer’s expense, with all freight charges added to sales invoice.
Orders will be shipped best way: common carrier, or UPS.